Something to Ponder
'When One of Us Is Chained, None of Us Are Free"
We Are All One
There Are No Others
As this season of Holy Days continues
let us remember
there are many wells
but one River
We are in God and God is in us,
just as a drop of water is in the ocean,
while the ocean is the drop of water.
...Ernest Holmes
There is a Hasidic tale
that tells of a much-revered rabbi
who dies and is met
at the gates of heaven by God.
"Who goes there?" he is asked.
"It is I," he responds.
He is denied admittance
and told to mediate on the correct answer.
After six months he returns,
and once again he is asked the question
and gives a similar response,
only to be sent away again.
After a year of prayer and meditation
he once again stands at the gate
and when asked,
"Who goes there?"
he responds,
"It is Thou."
the gates of heaven open.
What a beautiful reminder of our oneness with Spirit!
As we open ourselves up to mediation
we come to see our own divine nature.
We erase the line between I and Thou,
see our connection
not just to Spirit,
to everyone who we come in contact with.
We become the prayer we pray.
We don't express love, we become love.
We are transformed
so that we are a living beacon of light to all.
Seeing everyone as God in drag.
My Guru
Neem Karoli Baba
"meditate like Christ,
he lost himself
in love"
Be Brave Enough
To Suck At
Something New
Learn a new language
Take an art class
Pick up a musical instrument
Be Brave Enough
Enjoy the Ride