
I’ve worked with Kara for several years now. She has been my healer and my teacher. She’s authentic; she walks the talk. Her talent and guidance are amazing.”

-Patty Gardner

My husband and I attended one of kara’s meditation workshops together several years ago, and we enjoyed it so much. She is welcoming and warm and generous with her wisdom, and we both felt really relaxed and connected during and after the class. I especially enjoyed the visualization meditations, and I actually still use some of the imagery kara provided in my daily practices. I have also taught several of the techniques kara shared with us to my counseling clients, who tell me they help with anxiety and dissociation. Owen and I often talk about the class and how cool it was to have that experience together and bring it home into our lives. Totally recommend her meditation workshop to anybody hoping to start or deepen a daily practice!“

-Jenna Gwaltney Sullivan

“Kara is a skilled and masterful healer. She’s from a family of healers so it’s deep in her DNA. I’ve been going to her for several years. I had issues that talk therapy couldn’t touch. Kara’s Reiki work with me has been transformative and I now feel integrated and whole. I’m blessed by her warm and wonderful healing.”

-Libby Knott, Ed.D.

“Kara's teachings and guidance bestow a beautiful foundation to strengthen your personal practice.  Her classes and workshops  provide in depth exploration of tools you can use to broaden your vision and powerful sense of self.  The study of psychometry, power animals, and various methods of meditation open your soul to swim in beauty, peace and vitality.  Kara's Reiki workshops and the connections to spirit release the flow of loving energy that connects us all.”

-Tammy Atchison

I first met Kara Emmy’ in 2017 when I moved my bodywork practice into her office suite. Over the past six years, I have gotten to know her as a colleague, teacher, therapist, and friend. She is relentlessly authentic, humble, trustworthy, and compassionate- a combination of traits that are rare, even in the world of energy work. Add in her array of spiritual gifts, and she is a true diamond in the rough. My life and path have been illuminated brighter thanks to her presence, teachings, and the guidance she is able to translate from beyond the veil. Receiving Reiki, Theta Healing, and Reiki attunements every few years has been a life changing practice for me, keeping me grounded, focused on my path, and more at peace with my true self. Not one person I have sent her way has come back disappointed, and I cannot recommend Kara's services enough to anyone who is ready to take the leap to truly heal from a soul level.  

- Haley Sullivan, LMBT 

“A friend recommended Kara to me at a point in my life when I was badly wounded in body and mind.  After only a few visits, I could tell that I was beginning to heal. Now, after a year of regular visits, I feel better than I have at any other point in the past 30 years of my life.  Reiki has a ripple effect; as your own health improves, you will find that your connections with those around you do as well. Kara is a compassionate healer."  

- Lynn Graves  

“kara emmy' of Heartfelt Energy exudes warmth and energy. kara continues to help me focus on the healing power of the mind and body. I recommend her highly to assist you in bringing more balance to your body, mind and spirit.”

Lauren Clark

“I cannot begin to tell you all the ways my life has changed since I met kara emmy'. So I will tell you just a few. The biggest impact on my life has been my increased confidence, self-awareness, focus and blessed peace. kara has taught me how to meditate, to get out of my head and into my heart, which I have struggled with all my life. She has given me the energy and motivation to go forward and make my own impact on this world. kara always says: 
’you cannot fall. step out in faith and either of two things will happen. the ground will rise up to meet you or... you will fly’”

Patty Marr

“In early 2017 I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and I began searching for alternative health solutions. Everything I read pointed me to yoga and meditation, however I knew nothing about either of them. My attempts at meditation left me frustrated, then I met kara emmy'. I took a few of kara's guided meditations and learned so much. When she offered the meditation intensive I really felt I needed to be there. I’m glad I followed that feeling as I have greater understanding of the meditation practice and the many tools that I can use to meditate. It opened up my world to a new way of healing and has helped create a greater calm in my life. Meditation truly is ‘the foundation of everything’ as kara says.”

Lou Anne Dunn

“I used to think that meditation was for people who can afford to take a year off and sit on a mountain top in India. I’m a busy business owner. How could I possibly have time to sit and do nothing? Clearly, I was wrong about what meditation is and how it works. After taking meditation classes from kara, I began my own practice. Mediation gives me the stillness to plan my day. Afterwards, I am laser focused on what I want to accomplish rather than putting out fires all day as I used to do. I am so grateful for kara and her willingness to share her wisdom. Knowing her and taking her classes have truly changed my life.”

Carolyn McGinn

“After I see kara, I feel refreshed and centered with incredible mental clarity. Heartfelt Energy is the only place that I can go for spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental cleansing. All of my good energy is restored. Reiki is a non-invasive, wonderful experience in a quiet, relaxing setting where everything is calm. It is like going on your favorite vacation.”

Shareen DeNittis Berkowitz

“Review from my dear husband/life partner, who has had several sessions from Kara: When I first met kara, I was skeptical. I guess I thought of energy work as kind of woo woo; out there; strange. Now I know better. To paraphrase Shakespeare, there were more things in the world than were dreamed of in my former philosophy. Energy flow is real. I look at Kara and see five generations of 'sighted' persons, linking arms to help.”

— Rosalie Jacobi Conrad Hutchens

“Ancient spiritual practices are diluted in our tweeting culture. If you thirst for deeper immersion into the healing traditions and crave authenticity, Kara Emmy is whom you are seeking. Her lifelong teachers are masters honored world wide. The gift she shares seeps through her bones from a family of generations of healers.”

— Diane de Groot

“I am new to the reiki healing experience and I feel so fortunate to have been directed to Kara as my guide and healer! Her abilities are undeniable and her light shines so brightly! I am learning so much...about healing, about myself...and I feel more centered, grounded and lighter than I have in many many years!”

— Tamara Masters Andrews-Clark

“I feel like I can cope with the stresses of life.”

“I was very skeptical about Reiki before I started working with kara emmy’.
I thought I was too much of a in-my-head kind of person to get anything out of it. However, I thought my husband would enjoy it.
I witnessed beautiful changes while my husband worked with kara, and I became much more open to it. His anger and frustration softened.
I remember watching him smiling and laughing outside while playing with our kids. He was so much more at ease with himself and us.
My husband encouraged me to give it a try. After my first session, I did notice subtle changes. Bad habits didn’t have quite the same grip on me. I recognized that my work as a parent, spouse, and a business owner are intimately tied to my well-being. If I am stressed, weighed down, or struggling, then I can’t progress in any area of my life. This was a chance to re-center myself and move down the path of health and prosperity. I decided to give it a try. Since I wanted to see what consistent Reiki could do for me, the amazing deal of the 6-month package seemed like the obvious choice. My personal growth has been priceless. Before my first session, I walked into her office, sat on the couch, and burst into tears. I was so exhausted from stress and parenting. I had completely lost sight of who I was a person. Fast forward to my last session with her and I feel like I’m beaming. I can see my place at the nucleus of the family, but I’m nurturing who I am too. I feel like I can cope with the stresses of life. It is funny how months later I find myself quoting things she has been saying all along to me. Little seeds she plants blossom and I see the truth in them. I am so grateful for the wisdom and talents of kara emmy’ and recommend her to everyone.”

— Erin Brand, MM, MT-BC
Owner of Love Joy Music

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